Sabtu, 16 April 2016

Fashion and Me ❤️

Assalammualaikum good people..

Aku suka memakai outfit-outfit berwarna cerah untuk menemani aktivitasku, entah itu untuk nongkrong sama teman atau jalan-jalan dan liburan. Karna menurutku warna cerah apalagi warna PINK itu melambangkan 'aku banget' dan warna cerah juga bisa memberi efek bahagia untuk kita maupun orang sekitar lohh. 
Seperti kali ini, untuk liburan singkat ini aku pakai terusan bergaris warna pink fanta dan di padukan dengan outer ombre warna putih detail bunga warna abu-abu dan shawl navy blue sebagai penetral.

Untuk outfit kali ini ngga ada alesan khusus sih, random mood kombinasinya lagi pengen matching-in ini dan itu, jadilah begini. Memang kadang mood yang random itu suka menghasilkan hal-hal rada 'unik'. For your information, aku jarang banget merencanakan outfit bepergian/OOTDan-ku mendekati jam kepergian baru deh dapet hidayah.. Hahaha
Untungnya aku ngga pernah lama dan ribet kalo siap-siap dan matching-in outfit, makanya si dia suka ngajak melancong atopun kulineran bareng, ketempat-tempat yang dekat maupun jauh. 

Lokasi liburan singkat ini adalah di hutan pinus Imogiri, alamat lengkapnya di jalan Hutan pinus, Mangunan, Dlingo, Kec. Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Hutan pinus ini brosist bagus banget buat foto pre-wedding. Hamparan rapi hijau pohon pinus sangat memanjakan mata. Berhubung pas kesana lagi weekend jadi rameee banget, tapi karna kawasan hutan pinus ini luas jadi banyak spot kosong deh buat hunting foto.

Rasanya kalo lama-lama di tempat sejuk seperti di hutan pinus ini jadi pengen tinggal dan menetap disini.. Hahhaha
Semoga aja kita termasuk orang yang selalu bersyukur dan pandai menjaga warisan seindah ini, biar nanti anak cucu kita juga bisa HOOTD-an ato pre-wedd disini :)

    All photo taken by Gelvin Adriansyah

Shawl | Hijabi Boutique
Cardigan | Inori Shop ( onlineshop)
Long dress | Fashion Addict Boutique
Sandals | The Sandal's

See you on next style and holiday hijabers..
Thanks for reading ^_^


Sabtu, 09 April 2016

Comfort hunter

Assalamulaiakum good people..

I really love to visiting new place or new interesting places, so i will inform you about new comfort places to hangout or me time with friends, someone special or with family.
Let's start, this cafe named 'Casadina-kitchen & bakery' you can find this cute place at rasuna said street, south Jakarta.

I think it will be one of my comfort zone at Jakarta, because the architecture, the material, cute colours, complete menu, and at the side this place there is swimming pool of course just to relax your eyes not for swimming.

Sometimes you need to be relax, enjoy your day with someone special or just yourself, because Jakarta really hectic city.
This place always full of visitor in the evening, some busy people choose this place for meeting, some people choose this place for dating, how about you ?

         Taken by me and my friend

Location : Rasuna said ( Bakrie Tower ) South Jakarta.

See you on next post and comfort places..
Thanks for reading ^_^


Sabtu, 02 April 2016

An animal lover *part1

Assalamualaikum good people, how's your weekend ? Hope it always fun and memorable..

I love all kind of animal even they are dangerious but i hate maggot, its creepy and absurd, yikk i wil scream if this kind is near me or touching my skin.
But i love this one, it looks funny, slippery, smell good, friendly and warm but they life in the water.

Yaps you can call it Dolphins, this one is really nice and friendly, look how i can touch Dolphins skin and command them to follow my sign, omg i think i will take it home and maintain it but you must have special permission to be able to maintain it.

These animals should live in the wild nature but there are several amusement rides such as these 'Ocean Dream Samudra Ancol' they made dolphins be an animals icon to performing, of course they were previously trained and given nutrition.
Good people animal is same with us, they have life with their world, they are depends on how we treat them so save animal, conserve and love them :)

      All photo taken by Sofia Octora
Location : Ocean Dream Samudra Ancol

See you on next holiday and post good people..
Thanks for reading ^_^
